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Small Ruminant Webinar Series
The small ruminant webinar series provides remote education for sheep producers across Wisconsin. The webinars are a new spin from the long-standing and widespread sheep ETN meetings that retired Dr. Dave Thomas, sheep specialist, hosted during his tenure at the University of Wisconsin.
Badger Swine Symposium
Providing research-based information to Wisconsin swine producers.
Wisconsin Youth Livestock
The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program continues to grow as more and more youth incorporate their interest in cattle, sheep, swine and meat goats through 4-H/FFA projects. These animals are the vehicles in which we teach youth life skills to be contributing adults. This website will provide youth and adults the teaching tools to become successful in their project areas as well as keep up to date on current information.
Driftless Region Beef Conference
Providing research-based beef production information to beef producers in the Driftless Region of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Beef x Dairy
The program brings timely, up to date, information to both dairy producers and feedlot operators about sire selection and feedlot management practices for Beef x Dairy cross cattle.