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Extension supports the viability and growth of the meat industry by developing industry leaders; improving the safety, quality, and availability of products; educating about sustainability, wholesome, and importance of meat in the diet; and discovering new uses for animal components.
Information about raising all types of beef in Wisconsin: production and business management, beef quality assurance, housing, well-being, nutrition, and reproduction.
Poultry and egg producers with flocks of all sizes and purposes can learn more about housing, nutrition, health, husbandry, and youth activities.
Information about raising swine in Wisconsin including: disease prevention and management, business management, pork quality, housing, animal welfare, nutrition, and reproduction.
Small Ruminants
Wisconsin’s small ruminants provide meat, milk, and fiber to meet the growing local and national demand for quality products. Extension Specialists and Educators support the economic viability of Wisconsin’s sheep and goat producers with the following resources.
Decision Tools and Software
Tools to assist producers in making best choices for their operations.