The Extension Livestock Program provides timely resources and information to help farmers, consumers and allied industry to make informed decisions about beef cattle, poultry, sheep and goats, equine, swine, and meat science. There are also resources for youth caring for livestock.
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Announcing the 2025 Small Ruminant Webinar Series
Join us for the 2025 Small Ruminant Webinar Series! This series will help small ruminant farmers learn new things and get useful tips. The webinars will happen on the fourth Thursday of each month from January to April. Experts will share practical advice, research updates, and the latest trends
Hybrid 2025 Badger Lambing School Announced
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is excited to announce the 2025 Badger Lambing School, a hybrid educational program designed for sheep producers. This program will take place every Wednesday in February 2025, culminating in an in-person session on March 1, 2025, at the UW-Madison Arlington Research Station Sheep Unit.
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Keep Cattle Clean to Optimize Winter Feedyard Performance
As we begin to make our way through winter, it is important to remember that cattle with a clean open hair coat with shelter from wind are less impacted by cold stress than those with dirty, matted, and/or wet hair coats and those exposed to the wind.
🎧 LISTEN: Points to consider before transitioning your dairy business to a beef operation
Creating beef-on-dairy calves can add additional revenue to your dairy operation, but if considering transitioning from a dairy operation to beef enterprise, there are several points to consider.
Vaccination to Improve Beef Calf Health
The goals for vaccinating beef calves are to protect the calf against potential disease-causing agents, to begin to provide protection for the calf’s entry into the adult herd or the feedlot, and to increase or at least maintain herd immunity.
▶️ Watch: Transitioning to Electronic Identification, what Wisconsin cattle producers need to know
UW-Madison Division of Extension Livestock Program facilitated a discussion on Oct 30, 2024, about official identification of cattle using electronic ID and the importance of livestock premises registration.