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Methane emissions from livestock and climate change
In the increasing discussions about how to address climate change there are conflicting claims about the need to address methane (CH4) emissions. Some people argue that methane emitted by cows is a primary cause of climate change. Others argue that methane from beef and dairy production is not of much concern because of its relatively short duration in the atmosphere.
Keeping swine and their caretakers cool in the summer
Summer brings higher temperatures and oppressive humidity levels. Heat stress poses a significant risk to pigs and the people taking care of them. By taking necessary precautions we can minimize the challenges and risks associated with the high temperatures.
Livestock Comfort at the Fair
A hot fair leaves fair exhibitors looking for coolness for both themselves and their fair animals. When temperatures reach above 80 degrees and the relative humidity is above 65 percent, comfort is certainly compromised. This kind of weather can be especially deadly for swine, as they have nonfunctioning sweat glands. Effects of heat stress are […]
Cleaning and sanitizing multi-dose syringes and transfer needles
Properly cleaning, sanitizing, and storing multi-dose syringes and transfer needles will reduce contamination from many viruses, bacteria, and fungi. The steps described here use only tap and distilled or deionzed (purified) water and do not render the equipment sterile.
Drought decisions for cow/calf herds
Rainfall through the heart of the Midwest and for most producers across Wisconsin has been a topic to avoid this past spring and summer. Hot summer days were not usually followed by stormy afternoons and much-needed rainfall.
Drought resources for livestock producers
Rainfall has been scarce in Wisconsin this growing season with most parts of the state in moderate to severe drought. While some parts of the state have recently received some much-needed rain, forage yield has already been reduced and we don’t know what the rest of the growing season will bring.
Utilize life cycle and fecal egg counts to manage sheep parasites
Understanding the relationship between forages, sheep, and parasitic stomach worms (helminths) is the first step in creating a management strategy to increase animal production and decrease anthelmintic resistance (AR
Determining cattle pregnancy status
It is important to determine pregnancy status so action toward the non- regnant cows can be taken.
UPDATE: Implant use for beef cattle is changing in 2023
Since the 1950’s, the FDA has approved several steroid hormone implants for use in beef cattle. These implants are used in all production phases from nursing calves through the finishing phase and are labeled for sex, age, or stage of production.
Animal drugs by a different name
Shopping for deals and managing inventory are two ways to lower livestock drug costs. Have you ever been confused by the different brands available? How do you know which is the better buy?