What are the signs of impending birth in ewes and does? Should I help and when should I help? What are typical best practices with newborn lambs and kids? Are the tools and supplies that will make lambing and kidding less stressful? This webinar is for beginning sheep and goat producers nervous and unsure about their upcoming lambing and kidding season to enable them to develop their skills and confidence.
Feed represents the single largest expense for sheep and goat producers and the base of every small ruminant diet is forage. This webinar helps producers know how to take a representative forage sample, understands the results and how to apply this information in making economical feeding decisions.
Tips to help you better understand the amount of edible product expected from a grain finished lamb.
Feed cost is usually ranked as the highest expense in animal production. Proper management of feed storage can prevent feed shrink – or the loss of feed. Reducing feed shrink in storage can help decrease the cost of production.
This webinar was recorded on March 18, 2020
This webinar was recorded February 12, 2020.
This webinar was recorded on January 15, 2020