About this Biosecurity video series
Staff from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension produced this series of three educational videos which instructs livestock owners on how to protect livestock from disease-causing microorganisms.
The video series offers biosecurity measures livestock owners can implement to reduce the risk of introducing and spreading diseases found in Wisconsin.
These videos are appropriate for all age levels, from youth who are planning to show animals at a fair for the first time, to longtime producers. Regardless of experience level caring for livestock, these videos demonstrate how to protect animals and prevent the spread of diseases.
Funding for this work was provided by United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services Veterinary Services (USDA-APHIS-VS) through a cooperative agreement with DATCP.

Sandy Stuttgen
County Livestock Educator – Sandy is an associate professor with UW Division of Extension and serves as the agriculture educator for Taylor County. Her focus areas include cattle well-being and quality assurance programming, farm financial risk management, and farm succession.

Heather Schlesser
County Dairy Educator – Heather’s research and outreach have included the use of current technology to enhance farm profitability and sustainability.