Perhaps you have raised broilers, roasters or even fancy chickens as your 4-H or FFA project for several years. You have experienced success, overcome challenges and now are looking for a new project. You have seen the majestic tom turkeys display themselves. You have seen the champion turkey sell in the Fur and Feather Sale at the county fair. You are now ―”hooked” and thought ―”Turkeys are for me!”
Raising turkeys can be a rewarding enterprise. But the nature of the turkey, its size and cost set up a whole different set of challenges from other poultry. Learn all that you can before you start. Talk to experienced growers and lean on them during your project. Set your goals and strive to achieve them!
This resource provides turkey facts, the history of turkeys and the various breeds, along with information about getting started – equipment needed, where to source poults, feed, health management and processing turkeys. There is also information about judging turkey showmanship – what is expected of exhibitors and the criteria for judging turkeys.