In 2025, Bernie O’Rourke, Extension Youth Livestock Specialist will host three webinars that will be offered February through April from 6:30-7:30 p.m. This is available for all youth grades 3-13. The session will be recorded and available on the Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program’s YouTube channel. This is offered in connection with the University of Wisconsin Madison Animal & Dairy Sciences Department, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and Division of Extension.
February 20, 2025 – Cooking with Beef
Wisconsin Beef Council will conduct a Cooking with Beef session. Angie Horkan and Kaitlyn Kesler, WBC, will lead us through the making of Taco Beef Nuggets. Print the recipe, grab the ingredients and cook alongside us. Please register for the event ASAP.
Taco Beef Nuggets Recipe
Taco Beef Nuggets- Shopping & Equipment list
March 18, 2025 – Management for your animal project
This session will identify tips and tricks related to management of your animal project. Biosecurity standards are the best practices in raising animal, this meeting will stimulate thoughts on how to minimize disease spread. Dr. Gretchen May from DATCP, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, will be the speaker.
April 17, 2025 – Charcuterie Boards
Jessica Brown, Heather Hunt and Joshua Brantley will walk us through how to create Charcuterie boards. These speakers have a wealth of background in meat & food science and are excited to share ideas.
Please have the Educational Verification Form printed before the session begins. You can write down thoughts throughout the session. Complete the form and turn it into your county fair and/or livestock committee to verify your participation. These activities can serve as “county educational credits/points.”
For questions related to the Zoom, contact Bernie O’Rourke, UW- Madison Animal & Dairy Science, Extension Youth Livestock Specialist
Archived webinars can be found here.