Managing the beef cow herd through cold stress
The University of Nebraska has a valuable article addressing important considerations for meeting beef cow needs during cold spells.
Information about raising all types of beef in Wisconsin: production and business management, beef quality assurance, housing, well-being, nutrition, and reproduction.
The University of Nebraska has a valuable article addressing important considerations for meeting beef cow needs during cold spells.
Finding a way to add extra value to your product may take more time and effort, but in the long run it may lead to a sustainable and profitable option for your beef operation.
Para mantener su tamaño, la tasa de reemplazo anual de un hato para carne por lo general es igual a la cantidad de vacas que salen anualmente debido a la
muerte, a su comercialización o su sacrificio. Se ha sugerido una tasa de reemplazo típica del 15 % (Thomas). Entonces, para el hato promedio de vacas y becerros de Wisconsin con 25 vacas, se necesitan cuatro reemplazos por año. Los productores deben decidir entonces si adquirir reemplazos o criar sus propias vaquillas es lo mejor para sus operaciones.
As we begin to make our way through winter, it is important to remember that cattle with a clean open hair coat with shelter from wind are less impacted by cold stress than those with dirty, matted, and/or wet hair coats and those exposed to the wind.
Creating beef-on-dairy calves can add additional revenue to your dairy operation, but if considering transitioning from a dairy operation to beef enterprise, there are several points to consider.
Getting hay harvested in a timely manner has been troublesome this year, resulting in an abundance of poor-quality forage.
To optimize cow productivity, evaluating nutrient levels in winter feed for cows is necessary.
Genomic testing can save beef producers time and money when deciding which heifers to retain within their herd. A comparison of two commercial heifers explains how to interpret genomic reports.
To assist with the task of determining what cattle feeders can pay for feeder calves UW-Madison Division of Extension has assembled a set of fall projections.
Seller reputation is often included in discussions on traits that influence feeder calf prices. Yet, historically it has not had a value assigned to it as many other traits have.