Determining Dairy Farm Profitability When Using Beef Semen
Advances in dairy reproduction coupled with improvements in calf management have made it possible for many dairies to sort their heifers and cows for breeding to dairy or beef.
Advances in dairy reproduction coupled with improvements in calf management have made it possible for many dairies to sort their heifers and cows for breeding to dairy or beef.
There are times when cattle producers need to come to the aid of a downed animal. The longer cattle are down, the more likely their weight and inactivity will damage circulation and nerve function to their underside muscles, which leads to a poor prognosis for recovery.
English | Spanish The umbilical cord is the lifeline between the cow and her fetal calf. Fetal oxygen, nutrients and wastes are exchanged through the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is connected to the cow’s placenta and passes through the calf’s abdomen at the navel. The cord includes a pair of umbilical arteries and a […]
Just as you prepare your animals for the show ring, you will need to plan with your parents and project advisors for how the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) will affect your future exhibitions. This series of handouts provides information to help you understand the VFD. The Veterinary Feed Directive Regulation Update explains VFD changes that […]
In Wisconsin, young people have the privilege of being able to raise and care for livestock through involvement in youth based organizations such as 4-H and FFA. The opportunity to learn about how they function, such as genetics, meat science, health and many others introduces youth to a number of essential skills that contribute to […]
Ractopamine-free swine production is now a market specification/requirement throughout much of the U.S. pork packing industry. Ractopamine remains an FDA approved product that can be legally fed in the U.S. at approved levels and approved time periods in the life of a market-destined hog. However, restrictions from trade partners have led to its removal from […]
Source: Kansas State Show Pig Guide (2019) and used with permission from Dr. Joel DeRouchey, Kansas State University Starting your pig off right Allow free access to feed and clean water at all times From 50 to 150 pounds a 1.20% to 30% total lysine diet is generally fed From 150 pounds until show day, […]
Adapted with permission from Ohio State University Extension, “A Ractopamine-Free Swine Project” and “A Ractopamine-Free Swine Project – Primer” Introduction Ractopamine-free swine production is now a market specification/requirement throughout much of the U.S. pork packing industry. Ractopamine remains an FDA approved product that can be legally fed in the U.S. at approved levels and approved […]
Adapted with permission from Ohio State University Extension, “A Ractopamine-Free Swine Project” Introduction Ractopamine-free swine production is now a market specification/requirement throughout much of the U.S. pork packing industry. Ractopamine (sold under the trade names Paylean® or Engain® for swine, and Optaflexx® or Actogain® for cattle and other generic derivatives) is an approved product used […]
Feeding high-quality colostrum to the calf as soon as possible after birth is the most important thing you can do for calf health. The timely ingestion of adequate amounts of high-quality colostrum allow the calf to acquire passive immunity from the dam.