Research has been done to investigate the influence that stockmanship has on disposition and animal performance and more is being done. Good stockmanship and low-stress handling methods include utilizing the animals’ natural tendencies to the handlers’ advantage while working or handling cattle.
Perennial pastures can benefit from incorporating annual forage into the management plan. Annual forages can be a tool to control weeds, improve overwintering damaged areas, and increase the length of the growing season.
There is no question that heat stress can negatively impact animal performance. For feedlot cattle heat stress reduces daily gains, negatively impacts feed efficiency and can lower dressing percent. Cow-calf producers could expect greater embryonic loss in the first few weeks after conception due to heat stress. High temperatures could also impact semen quality in […]
There are three stages to the birthing process, or parturition: dilation of the cervix, delivery of the calf, and delivery of the placenta. Knowing the normal birth process will help you decide whether or not to intervene. Stage 1: Dilation of the Cervix You might not even notice this stage, which may take days to […]
During the dark and cold of winter, it can be uplifting to think about the new season just around the corner. Spring represents new growth and renewal. The same is true of calving season for our beef operations. While in practice our beef calving seasons vary greatly in timing from farm to farm, it’s always […]
As the seasons come and go, the production cycle of the beef herd also changes. Cows calve, calves grow, and replacement heifers are selected. Selecting replacement heifers using production records, herd goals, and available resources can ensure the correct females are staying in the production system.
Evaluating different rations and scenarios as prices and situations change to optimize profits using the resources the farm has available is time well spent. When doing so, it is critical to look at all costs impacted by any ration changes, not just ration cost per ton or feed cost per day, to assess costs and returns accurately.
It is common practice this time of year to evaluate our cows to make culling decisions, but this is also a good time to evaluate our bulls to determine which sires we are going to feed through the winter and which have come to the end of their genetic contribution to the operation. Bulls, much […]
When visiting farmers with beef cow-calf enterprises during times when feed prices are high, or hay is in short supply, a few will usually make a comment about roughing the cows through the winter. “Roughing the cows through” usually means that the cows must “make do” with the feed on hand or that which can […]
When grain prices are high, there is usually an increase in inquiries from cattle feeders looking for ways to cut production costs. The ration is typically the first place many feeders look for change. Assessing current bunk management practices for adherence to protocol, or implementing changes to improve feed efficiency and reduce waste is another area for consideration.