The Origin of Ducks
This is the 2nd of a series about raising commercial ducks as a 4-H or FFA Project. Articles cover a range of topics from the origins of ducks to showing ducks at the county fair.
This is the 2nd of a series about raising commercial ducks as a 4-H or FFA Project. Articles cover a range of topics from the origins of ducks to showing ducks at the county fair.
Ducks can be raised for their meat, eggs or feathers. They are gregarious and enjoyable to watch. This series of articles covers a range of topics from the origin of ducks to showing ducks at the county fair.
Consumer demand for lamb and goat from ethnic communities with a cultural bias for lamb and goat consumption is growing. Some demand is seasonal centered around holidays and other demand is more year round. Ethnic consumers are often looking for different type of lamb or goat than the traditional commodity product. Understanding different ethnicities and demand and meeting this market represents a potential profit opportunity for lamb and goat producers.
This article was recently published in Wisconsin Agriculturist Magazine In Wisconsin, winter is a fact of life in which severe cold temperatures, wind chills, and blowing and drifting snow are common occurrences. Cattle can adapt to cold temperatures and maintain condition if provided the appropriate nutrition and environmental protections. Let’s take a look at some […]
This article was originally published in Wisconsin Agriculturist Most beef farmers are familiar with the onslaught of lice during the winter. It is a common fact that lice populations on cattle peak during the winter months. But what are lice? Lice are small, flat-bodied insects with legs modified for grasping hairs. These creatures are dependent […]
What are the signs of impending birth in ewes and does? Should I help and when should I help? What are typical best practices with newborn lambs and kids? Are the tools and supplies that will make lambing and kidding less stressful? This webinar is for beginning sheep and goat producers nervous and unsure about their upcoming lambing and kidding season to enable them to develop their skills and confidence.
Feed represents the single largest expense for sheep and goat producers and the base of every small ruminant diet is forage. This webinar helps producers know how to take a representative forage sample, understands the results and how to apply this information in making economical feeding decisions.
Just like humans need a few extra layers in the winter months, our heifers and cows may need to rug up or add layers now in order to maintain performance through the winter months.
This article was originally published in Wisconsin Agriculturist Magazine Bulls have the greatest impact on a herd’s genetic progress. Deciding to keep a bull for another breeding season warrants protection of this investment to ensure he is in optimal condition when returned to the cowherd. In order to protect your bull investment, implement a plan […]
The Extension Stocker Cattle Closeout Spreadsheet helps beef producers with stocker enterprises complete a closeout and is designed to make it easier for producers to complete a closeout for groups of stockers.